If you're as excited as we are about the speaker line up for this year, you'll want to get your subscription as early as possible. The cost for all eight lectures is only $85. Participation is open to all.
If you are only interested in a few of the lectures, we will start selling single-talk tickets for $20 per person on January 1st. You can also pay at the door.
If you are only interested in a few of the lectures, we will start selling single-talk tickets for $20 per person on January 1st. You can also pay at the door.
We have two options for you to order your full series subscription.
We have two options for you to order your full series subscription.
Option 1 - Pay by Credit Card
Use the 'Add to Cart' link below to securely pay by debit or credit card using Paypal. Please provide the full name(s) of each subscriber in the space provided above the 'Add to Cart' button.
Enter the name(s) of the attendees in the white space below.
Enter the name(s) of the attendees in the white space below.
Option 2 - Pay by Check (not an option after January 1)
Download a copy of the Subscription Request (link below) and send it with a check to the address indicated on the form. Please make sure all information is legible, especially your email address. We use email to acknowledge receipt and to notify our subscribers of changes in the schedule, e.g. speaker illness, etc.
Brought to you by:
Snohomish County Master Gardener Foundation
425-357-6010 - Master Gardener Hotline
Email: [email protected]
Web site: www.SNOMGF.org